Work Days

We hold regular work days on the community orchard.  If you would like to be notified about the next work day, please email debbie.ellen at

This year (2014) we've got some raised beds to build along the fence line with the bakery, trees to tend; keeping the base of the trees mulched and weed free, pruning, checking for pests and diseases and generally keeping the orchard looking lovely.

Below are some of the tasks we've tackled in the past...

A work session in November 2011 ...

We'll be tackling an area where we want to put an apple and pear arch in the middle of the orchard - digging the ground over in preparation for planting later in the year/ early next year.  As always there is other lighter work to do. If you'd like to plant some primulas or do some hoeing or light weeding that would also be very helpful.

Session leader: Debbie will be leading the session - my number is 07719 625 725 if you need to get in.

As always if the weather is bad then the session may be cancelled.  If I don't have your mobile number and you want to come email it to me so I can let you know if we get rained off.

If you've not been for a while, or its your first visit we have tools and gloves but please do wear some sturdy shoes, boots or wellies. 

You don't have to stay for the whole period, even half an hour will help!

A work session in October 2010
This weekend we spent time rescuing buried porous membrane (which is used to suppress weed growth after we have dug an area).  When the path and fencing was put in spoil from the area where the path is was tipped onto the earth alongside in large mounds. Mixed in with this was a lot of glass and other rubble as well as partially decomposed carpet.  All of this was taken up to the skip for removal.

By the end of the weekend we had levelled off the ground and it looked less like a bomb site - ready for vistors on Apple Day (16th October).

Thanks to everyone who came along and pitched in: Liz, Jeanette, Michelle L, Chris, Julie, Pete, Cath, Claire and Debbie (hope I've not forgotten anyone!).

September 4th 2010 Work Day
Thanks to Ayla, Claire, Debbie, Michelle, Michelle, Pete, Teresa and Ursula for helping.

Ayla (right) and Claire (left) busy digging!
Harvested potatoes
Grafted trees being re-tagged